
My favorite web site is Ravelry. There are thousands of reasons for that. I enjoy browsing through, and admire many beautiful projects people post there. It is a great place to get inspired and motivated to make some new things, or finish unfinished. This week I will show you just few of those projects that I really like.

FeeOlian Shawl made by FeeShion.

© FeeShion

Fancified Autumn Cardigan made by katanknits.

© katanknits

Fantaild Goldfish Hot Water Bottle Cover made by Eskimimi.

© Eskimimi

It is hard to pick favorite project. Every time I check them, there is new one that I like. Do you like Raverly? What is your favorite project?

Summer Knitting

I will be leaving on vacation in two weeks. We will be visiting our family and friends in Croatia. This year my son and I will be going alone (hubby has to stay and work). Traveling with kids is always challenge, no matter how old they are. When our son was younger it was much easier for me to pack his stuff. Things are changing as he is getting older. He wants his own stuff, his favorite shoes, clothes, toys… Usually, I pack only few things for myself. My suitcase is always filled with presents for family and friends. That’s the reason why I plan to take my knitting gadgets with me, but no yarn. I will buy yarn in Croatia.
My summer knitting plan is to knit Simply Summer and this top with lace pattern. I also like Jodi , but I don’t know if I will have enough time to knit it.
I am still working on projects from the last week, and hope I will be done before we leave for Croatia. At least, I should finish my mom’s cardigan. Ginko Shawl is close to be done. I have 15 more rows, and if everything goes right it will be done by the end of this week.

WIP Projects

Today is “Are you kidding me?” kind of day. I am amazed how people can do stupid things. The hardest part is when I witness more than one stupid event at the same day.

I have been working on few knitting projects this week. Yesterday, I finished socks that I started last Thursday. They were my “Karate” project for last and this week. I work on my “Karate” projects only when I have to wait for my son to finish his karate class. My feet are always cold (no matter what the weather is here in GA), and I needed a pair of summer socks.
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I have picked I love this cotton yarn. It’s a good quality cotton yarn, and it’s easy to stop by local Hobby Lobby to get it when (if) I need more yarn. I plan to knit more, but with warmer weather I needed at least one pair of socks with shorter leg.

The second project that I am working on is a cardigan. It was planned to be mine, but I have changed my mind. I think my mom would be happy to get it. It’s a basic cardigan, knitted in stockinette stitch.
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I will have to find some nice buttons for this project.

The third project is my first serious attempt to knit something without changing a pattern. I knit this beautiful Ginko Shoulderette . So far, it think I failed… maybe I did not…. I do not know… I have made this shawl a bit bigger, so I can get two more chart repeats. I changed size, but not charts. At the end I will get the same shawl, but a bit bigger. It’s not really pattern change, but still… I am knitting this for someone who is a big, tall person, and I think that bigger shawl would look so much better. I used yarn from my stash for this project. Sorry, no photo for this project.

The weather is beautiful here in GA. It’s so nice that we can enjoy it. My irises are blooming. Aren’t they beautiful?
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They remind me on my home country.

Coming back

I have been thinking for over a month what to do with this blog. I realized that it’s time for me to wake up and start blogging again.
Last year was busy and full of surprises. I finished most of my unfinished projects. Some of them are still WIP, but hope to finish them soon.
My son wanted a knight’s helmet hat. He saw it on Etsy, and asked me if I can make one for him, so I did.
Knights hat
Knight’s helmet hat was one evening project. It took me some time to figure out how to make the visor. I didn’t use pattern and I am very happy with final product. If you ask my son, that is his favorite hat.
One of my WIP projects is a sweater for my son. I am knitting it a bit bigger, so he can wear it next winter. Hope it will fit him once is done. His favorite color is orange. I was not in the mood to knit plain, orange sweater, so I bought dark grey yarn and combined it with orange. I don’t have any photo, but plan to take some as soon as I have time (maybe this weekend).
An American Girl doll set was knitted for my friend’s daughter’s AG doll.
At the end of this post, just a little reminder for all of you who love to be part of Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, that 5th AKCBW is coming soon. As always it will be hosted by wonderful Eskimimi Makes. You can find more info about blog week on her web site.

Free knitting or chrochet patterns

Did you know that you can get patterns that are usually paid for free? Many designers are using this as a promotional tool, and offer pattern for free for certain amount of time. On this way you get free pattern, and designer gets promotion and feedback once you finish project and post it on Ravelry or your blog.
Designer Erika Flory offers her Wholehearted pattern for free from 02/16/2013 until 02/20/2013. To get this patter for free use coupon code: ONEYEAR at check out. Pattern is available on Ravelry.
I have a plan to post info about discounts and promo codes on my FB page, so do not forget to like it if you want to get info on time.

Facebook page

I started Facebook page, so I can show my work (knitting, crochet, embroidery….) to other people. Hope you will support me and like my FB page. Thank you all!

The Fiber Factor

Here I am again after over a month. I was sick, and it was really bad. Now, my son has a  flu, and it’s even worst. 😦 After my flu, cold and few infections I am on my feet again. Last four weeks I finished few unfinished knitting / crochet projects. I’ll post photos as soon as we have a sunny day, so I can take good photos. It is pouring from the sky, and it seems it will rain for next two – three days. Right now I am working on my sweater. That project takes lot of time. I was almost done with a front when I found mistake, and I ripped it off. My husband said he would not do that, but I can not stand to have mistake on my sweater.  I also work on a baby blanket. The funniest part is I do not have enough yarn. I need maybe three yards of yarn to finish it, and now I have to wait ’til my son gets better, so I can go to by a skein of yarn. This never happened to me before. The reason why happened now is simple – I am using leftovers for this blanket.

Have you heard about The Fiber Factor ? Not yet! Check their web site, and if you are interested apply. If you apply, let me know, so I can follow you. If you are memeber of Ravelry you can find more info here.


Joining yarn

I found this video (by Jane Richmond – web site http://www.janerichmond.com/ ) on Pinterest and decided to try it. I used 20% wool and 80% acrylic yarn for my project, and it worked well… at least for this project. I can’t wait to try it with different yarns (cotton, 100% wool….). If you try it, let me know if it worked for you.