WIP Projects

Today is “Are you kidding me?” kind of day. I am amazed how people can do stupid things. The hardest part is when I witness more than one stupid event at the same day.

I have been working on few knitting projects this week. Yesterday, I finished socks that I started last Thursday. They were my “Karate” project for last and this week. I work on my “Karate” projects only when I have to wait for my son to finish his karate class. My feet are always cold (no matter what the weather is here in GA), and I needed a pair of summer socks.
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I have picked I love this cotton yarn. It’s a good quality cotton yarn, and it’s easy to stop by local Hobby Lobby to get it when (if) I need more yarn. I plan to knit more, but with warmer weather I needed at least one pair of socks with shorter leg.

The second project that I am working on is a cardigan. It was planned to be mine, but I have changed my mind. I think my mom would be happy to get it. It’s a basic cardigan, knitted in stockinette stitch.
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I will have to find some nice buttons for this project.

The third project is my first serious attempt to knit something without changing a pattern. I knit this beautiful Ginko Shoulderette . So far, it think I failed… maybe I did not…. I do not know… I have made this shawl a bit bigger, so I can get two more chart repeats. I changed size, but not charts. At the end I will get the same shawl, but a bit bigger. It’s not really pattern change, but still… I am knitting this for someone who is a big, tall person, and I think that bigger shawl would look so much better. I used yarn from my stash for this project. Sorry, no photo for this project.

The weather is beautiful here in GA. It’s so nice that we can enjoy it. My irises are blooming. Aren’t they beautiful?
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They remind me on my home country.